Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kpop Night Concert 2010


Spent $258 on a ticket that's about 100m away from the main stage, did i really enjoy the concert, especially my favorite girl group; SNSD performed this night?

I managed to take lotza pictures and i mean like 700 over photographs with a DSLR, credits to Gwennon for lending me her toy and 18-200mm lens. Constantly overloading the camera in burst mode, trying as hard as possible to capture the best quality pictures of the vibe-up moments.

I did so much shooting, hardly did i really listen nor watch any performance, just through the 95% viewfinder DSLR, while battling against the other crazy fan girls and boys who were squeezing around me to get their memorial shots.

Moreover, I had to leave 30mins earlier to catch my ride to celebrate my Mom's birthday, which turned out to be a ride home instead.

Just so you know, I still did give the present i bought for my Mom and she loves it.

What really impacted me most was...

What if...

Jesus, still alive on Earth, as an international famous pop artiste, would the people so crazy over the artistes in this night's Kpop concert scream at the top of their voices, crying their hearts out, do the same all for Jesus?

And then a revelation don on me when one of my OG mates asked why I didn't follow the artistes to Changi Airport to catch their last view and get better photos..

My replay was... "i ain't hardcore...if i do, it'll kill my life...and i don't do one way relationship"

How true, my reader friends!

I can put so much energy, time and effort, let alone finances on my favorite artistes just to gain no recognition and acknowledgement of my existence to them?

BUT it's different with Jesus...

we can never outdo Jesus, when we put SO much energy, time and effort, let alone finances on Him, to gain recognition and acknowledgement of our existence to Him, but because of us, He is always yielding to get our recognition, acknowledgement, love, attention of Him!

such love God is pouring over us!

a two way relationship; where i know i can find my recognition and acknowledgement of existence in God, in His eyes, for His love, embrace, approval.

Much have said, such concerts are but a memory in my heart and the hype and vibe is for a short-period of time.

Not so for my God, as I continually yield for more of His presence, love and grace. And nothing, no concerts in this world can ever replace the love of God for us all.

So did I enjoy myself this night?

By the grace of God, the event was opened to photography and I enjoyed taking hundreds of photos, and capturing the moment of my favorite Kpop groups as much as I could while doing my craft.

Kudos to Jesus...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

articulates just what i'm feeling right now.

Came home really down in my spirit man.

it's been a long time i felt such agony in my chest.

a bleeding heart. a dying flesh.

a failed comforting prayer.

have i done something wrong against God?

i served well in Photography tonight.

paid my tithe and offering

service was a blast

fellowship was good

did i miss out in my duty as a Christian?

so i prayed...

then i realize...

no more serving...

no riches and fame...

no most melodious praise & worship songs...

no greatest messages...

no number of quality fellowship...

nothing in this world can EVER replace God...

the relationship we have with Him...

that is all it matters...

and so...

that is all...

I just want You...


be true. be yourself.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

old torture, new beginnings.

it's always difficult and painful to go back to the old basics,
but it's never too late to start a whole new beginning.

there will be temptations; there will be criticisms,
but as the saying goes; once you've overcame thyself, you've won half the battle.

it may be too early to boast,
it may not be too quiet to speak out.

for all dreams birth forth from confessions,
for all visions come to pass from convictions.

as God is the source of strength,
so is this new life of breath.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

my new pills.

[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

I can't tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now it's a steel knife in my windpipe
I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight
High off of love, drunk from my hate,
It's like I'm huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate
And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me
She fucking hates me and I love it.
Wait! Where you going?
"I'm leaving you"
No you ain't. Come back we're running right back.
Here we go again
It's so insane cause when it's going good, it's going great
I'm Superman with the wind at his back, she's Lois Lane
But when it's bad it's awful, I feel so ashamed I snapped
Who's that dude? I don't even know his name
I laid hands on her, I'll never stoop so low again
I guess I don't know my own strength

[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe
When you're with 'em
You meet and neither one of you even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling
Yeah, them those chills you used to get 'em
Now you're getting fucking sick of looking at 'em
You swore you'd never hit 'em; never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face spewing venom in your words when you spit them
You push pull each other's hair, scratch claw hit 'em
Throw 'em down pin 'em
So lost in the moments when you're in them
It's the rage that took over it controls you both
So they say you're best to go your separate ways
Guess if they don't know you 'cause today that was yesterday
Yesterday is over, it's a different day
Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her
Next time you show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game
But you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane

[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

Now I know we said things, did things that we didn't mean
And we fall back into the same patterns, same routine
But your temper's just as bad as mine is
You're the same as me
But when it comes to love you're just as blinded
Baby, please come back
It wasn't you, baby it was me
Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems
Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is I love you too much to walk away though
Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk
I told you this is my fault
Look me in the eyeball
Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist at the drywall
Next time. There won't be no next time
I apologize even though I know its lies
I'm tired of the games I just want her back
I know I'm a liar
If she ever tries to fucking leave again
Im'a tie her to the bed and set this house on fire
I'm just gonna

[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

Friday, August 6, 2010


이 모든 시간, 나는 말을하고 싶었.
난 당신처럼.
그리고 난 희망을 우리가 친구 이상이되고 있습니다.

난 당신처럼!

Friday, July 16, 2010

i hope i'm wrong again this time.

you're just an illusion to me.

you're just a pretty face to me.

tell me you're just thankful.

tell me you're just not interested.

that all this is just a dream; a fantasy.

just another miscommunication of feelings.

not at this stage.

not this way.

wake up.

Wake Up.

WaKe UP.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

heartfelt soul.

finally gotten the awaited album(2009), i've been saving to buy, long due.

just the right time to speak of what i'm going through right now, and expressing my deep emotions;


Monday, July 5, 2010

touches my heart.

And now, after all my searching
After all my questions
Im going to call it home
I got a brand new mind set
I can finally see the sunset
Im gonna call it home

- Switchfoot

back to my roots.

There's no blame for how our love did slowly fade
And now that it's gone it's like it wasn't there at all
And here i rest where disappointment and regret collide
Lying awake at night

- Death Cab for Cutie

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

the couple that started it all...

if not for them, i wouldn't even come to know of how amazing my life would have been in this wonderful and loving big spiritual family 8-9 years ago, if they didn't decide to build the House of God in the West - City Harvest Church.

and i am greatly indebted to God for His love to have brought CHC to the West of Singapore, and showered His unquenchable love to all, and bringing the couple who faithfully and whole-heartedly running the vision God has given to them; to us, to me.

and i am simply touched and encouraged to see Pst. Kong Hee addressing to his family last Saturday, much more Sun, together with the music team, singing a loving song that bonds the hearts of the congregation.

i love you.

Sun and Pst. Kong!

Monday, June 21, 2010

calling or not? faith will lead the way

title speaks for itself...

[Light of the World]
[Meaning of Life, even in a Black & White world]
[Dad's playground]
*Proud of what he's doing in his past-times*
[POE; i heart]
i really wish i can get into Photography ministry...
amateur or not, it doesn't matter...
Lord, here i am, wanting to learn more, teach me as only You can...
i wanna take the most beautiful pictures of Your creation for Ya!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

one time too many.

i have so much things i wanna rant in this entry; much less to mention how long it has been since the last entry...

as the days are closing, the more distant i felt. Distant from what; i suppose... everything? i can even hardly know who i really am anymore.

does it always have to be closing to that very day of humanity for each individual, created by a Higher being looking from an unfathomable, dark and creepy air-less void, looking over our shoulders concerned; that it's when i struggle with self-esteem and wallow in my own pathetic pitiful life, brooding over and over and over again the same year, de javu occurance, and the year before and the year before and years back which were just bl**dy old, probably ancient pictures on the walls, gunshot out of that juicy brain of mine!

then a sudden, soft whisper in my heart, calmed the fiery soul, reminising the good old times i had with my grandpa, who probably rocking his chair now on fluffy clouds, smiling over his still-earth-bound family and how it was great then, to sit and dine together as a whole family on Chinese New Year, while Handy, the overly long hairy dog had to look up by the table with big black watery eyes, hoping someone would drop a couple of my grandma's deliciously cooked salted chicken, into his drooled mouth.

then it was the what-if moments, a penny for my little sister, whom i never get to see, nor even feel, in my mother's womb, which i found out in my later years that she was aborted due to medical conditions which would have gotten her worst as an individual if she would to see daylight. i know it had to be super hard a decision my parents had to make then. unfortunately, i do wish i had a little sister to bully, quarrel, you know; do the older brother-and-sister fights, but most of all, to love and protect her.

then it all came down to now...

coming to the 10th year, end of the year, as a born-again Christian, in an awesome, loving family i cannot ever ask more from God, doing my degree program, which i never thought i would make it this far but i love it, 'cites about signing up the Korean language course tomorrow, got a new laptop, lovin' fish like how my mum would weirdly remarked me as a pregnant woman, still single, but available, blessed with any form of love any single child could or possibly would want in his past 23 years of his life!

would i wanna struggle in self-esteem and gay-tear for my life? honestly?

i don't really care anymore... yeah, maybe some days i would, or not altogether... it doesn't make any difference...

'cos it ain't gonna change the fact, each year, i would be reminded of that very day i see daylight from that same womb, my sister was later conceived in, and that there is a Higher being, whether we like it or not, watching over us through that vast black holes to His footstool of Eden; that i wouldn't wanna waste my 24th year away hopelessly not achieving the dreams i have been dreaming, in that palm-sized head clothed warmly in a curb, 23 years ago.

it's about time, long-dued, for me to take charge, as a man and no longer as a boy, to awake from my slumber and be someone i should probably already be!

this is my resolve.

Monday, April 19, 2010

power of visualization and confession

all questions will be tackled and completed with right answers.

there will be no careless mistakes.

there will be no discrepancies,

accountings will be tallied accurately,

right formulas will be applied for the right questions resulting with right answers,

will have more than enough time to check through the papers,

wisdom and peace of God is in me,

by faith in God, i trust; Distinctions for all papers!


Distinctions! Distinctions! Distinctions! Distinctions! x1000

Thursday, March 4, 2010

命中注定...or not?

do you believe in fate?

most of the time, i don't cos' i wish to take control of my own life and to walk through the destiny God has placed in my life.

be it my walk with God, family, friends, studies, relationship, career, etc.

short and sweet entry.

i'll leave you with Han Solo's reply to C-3PO in one of The Empire Strikes Back scene when Han Solo was piloting into an asteroid field while fleeing an Imperial Star Destroyer and Threepio tells Solo that the odds of successfully navigating an asteriod field are 3,720 to 1. Solo replied,

"Never tell me the odds!"

Sunday, February 28, 2010

suddenly i feel so





why such emtions?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

presence of God...

is simply and undeniably comforting.

in awe.

i wept.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

POE's ideal type challenge

the title speaks for itself, a replica of Korean's Ideal Type World Cup. Hosted by yours truly, JR. The challenge went round with Rena, Dave, YF and June Yong.

After fellowship at T3, Changi Airport. The 5 of us drove down to ECP's C.Nai Cafe for supper and more fellowship session.

We ate heartily and conversed. It was a heartfelt session.

Then an idea of a game came in mind; POE's version of Ideal Type World Cup

To briefly explain what this game is 'bout, it's simply choosing between 2 ideal female/male for male and female contestant respectively, and out for the 2 ideal persons, the best type will be singled out for the next match. Ultimately, the contestants will be left with the best two ideal type of persons and one of the ideal type person will be the victor of the two.

So it went round from Rena to the host, himself eventually.

The ideal type persons are chosen in POE and some outside of POE, random questions such as Pst Kong or Pst Tan, for instance. (mainly to females). 

A time of laughters and unpredictable outcome of results. Nevertheless, the results will be kept amongst the five of us.

Whether or not the ideal type person who came in victorious to the contestant is truly the ideal type he/she is seeking, let's not read too much into it.

However, this is one game you may try on your close friends to find out their true ideal type person and dig out that fishy feeling y'all have long felt for that contestant!

Till then, this is POE's Ideal Type Challenge!

JR. peace out!

relationship with God.

you can accomplish anything.

as long as you're obedient and faithful to God.

He will fulfill all your needs.

i should be nervous for the Accounting test this afternoon, but somehow, i just have the peace of God and faith that i'll pull through it.

Indeed, with the wisdom of God, it has exceeded what i thought and imagined to be.

I did it with ease and finished up each and every question.

I know for sure i'll pass, but i'm still hoping that it'll be a High Destination for that paper.

Praise the Lord!

Monday, February 15, 2010

happy meow year!


my phone on the first morning of Tiger year, recovered fully after a night charge! all the keys on the keypad started to function well, no flashing of LEDs an no other side effects! NOKIA E51 has proven to be Tsunami survival and free-fall proof!


came back from all visitations to my relatives with lotza red packets! this year has been indeed a wonder虎 and fruit虎, 虎 year!

got closer to my paternal cousin, who picked up Kpop too. Great fun with Maternal 4th Uncle's Hong Bao Draw contest, with a grand price of $128 whom little cousin Joel won, and 6th Uncle's Wheel of Hong Bao contest, ranging from $4 to grand price of $38, which yours truly blessed to have span the wheel and won the grand price! The joke was, there's a blank file in the wheel, which who ever span the wheel and got it is to draw out any 2 of the contestant's existing Hong baos and hand it to 6th Uncle as a forfeit. Interesting business CNY marketing skill eh? ahha!

i thank God for a great start of this CNY and i'm looking forward for more with my Lord!

till then... HUAT CHAI AH!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

dying line.

as the title would imply, my Nokia E51 is dying on me.

thanks to my butter-fingers, slipped outta my hand, and sank into a pail, filled with water. just picture in the world of electricity on planet circuit board, a Tsunami had just disastrously flood the entire world; talk about Noah's Arch or Titanic.

thank God, it's still functioning pretty ok. Just a couple of frustrating flaws. Initially the keypad was malfunction, had to 'resuscitate', and thought i lost it totally as it dead on me. Minutes after switching on and off of the phone, the keypad revived miraculously, but like a short-circuited robot - flashing LEDs and the originally assigned key functions went hay wired; what supposed to be '0', it turned out to be key to clock, or supposed to be '9', turned left, and epic last, supposed to be 'end call' turned out to be 'call' button. haha!

finally, it got more stabilized and was back to normal, just a couple of malfunctioning access of buttons again.

this time, i have had it.

as Nokia E51 has auto-key lock function by default, my '*' button function is dead, hence my phone is ever stuck in key-lock!!!!

i can do nothing with this phone now!!!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

going back rock.

what a message from Paul Scanlon!

i so wanna him back to share more. 

miss these times of word. what a season indeed.

right before he shared the word, he introduced a clip of what his church is doing and that song that covered with the vid was so 'english' rock. and i'm lovin' it!

kinda brings me back to what i used to enjoy, indulging my ears to;

have you guessed who they are? if you're answering Switchfoot, you're right!

although they are an American band, from San Diego, their music has always been uplifting, enjoyable and doesn't make ya shake-ya-head-too-much alternative rock.

so it got me intrigued to head down to Attributes to get a copy of their latest album;

Hello Hurricane

and man o man.. they just keep getting better and better each album man!

the moment i played it in my car, not just it brings back the old rock juice in me, i'm lovin' it already! simply sensational!

trust me, this album ain't like any before since 'Star' in Nothing is Sound album.

this album is loaded with full force of mother nature, so welcome - Hello Hurricane!

Friday, February 5, 2010

what could have been.

why must it be when on one's special day will then receive gifts or appreciations?

why must it be when one is going through hardship will then receive pitiful attention?

why must it be when one achieved great heights will then receive praise and adoration?


why must it be when one is gone from this world that the people around started to understand the meaning of 'cherish'?

easier said than done.

but of course.

either ways.

let this be food for thought.


do you feel you're unappreciated for the things you've done?

do you feel you're taken granted for?

do you feel what ever that you're or have been doing may be futile?

all for a good cause?

wanting to get a return from it all?

or simply,

the right thing to do?

well, there's always a thousand and one reasons to such questions.

yet none is ever right nor wrong.

one thing for sure though.

it's ever wrong in the eyes of others though it may be right in any ways you may see it.

that is such a life. so.

suck it up.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

slipped opportunity!

why why why?!

don't you always think you're witty?!

don't you always have such ego?!

why then you asked such questions?!

utter stupidity!

you could have dropped the movie halfway,
politely excused yourself,
quietly made your way out,
and request for a meet up!

you could have used that short period of paused time,
to be sensitive,
to think hard,
to plan deep,
to have understood,
that it was a door of opportunity!

foolish me!

wake up if you haven't noticed and are still in your dreamland!

from now on,
do the best of favors,
at least for the love of God and yourself;

think, double think, triple think,
before speaking or acting out.

you'll never know the next word that comes out,
would be the cement shut for that door of opportunity.

wise up that wittiness of yours, O fool!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


finished class at 1130.
head straight down to office.

finally done well given task;
data entry of Pastor Kong's past Itinery back-dated 2005 to 2009, all into one excel spreadsheet.
straight whole 5 hours coupled with toilet breaks.

praise God.


i guess i've earn my rest tonight. =)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

focus hard on task at hand.

i'm glad i went to work today.

just gets you off the thing you focus so hard to get it outta your head.

still friendly to talk to...=)

service was great.
presence of God was strong and tangible.

had KFC, been a while.
fellowship at the arcade,
crazy japan game with the young ones.

yet the whole time,
was still troubled at heart.

wasn't at my best,
wasn't focusing.

i know i wanna step out and try,
to speak out my heart.

somehow i feel, this could be another foul play of the evil one,
one that would end up breaking both parties. 

i need guidance,
i need a new clue.

won't You show me?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

old songs: evergreen

fresh vision, fresh purpose

longing for one,
since that day You called me again.

yet time after time,
i've disappointed You.

losing control,
losing You.

battles of self,
overwhelming & weary.

a war,
never seems to end.

a desolated land,
permeated with smells of death.

the cries for loved ones,
crush frail hearts.

a tatterdemalion covered with blood,
open wounds with worn out sword.

at his brink of last breath,
on bended knees.

facing the stormy dark skies,
yet searching for a blink of light.

last deep breath,
a wail in agony.


whiteout sight,
blackout mind.

at the beat of the heart,
time slows down.


is it over?
a brand new world?

new vision?
new beginning?

is that You?


my Lord.

greatest battle in the history of humanity


final fastasy: sound of the wind

a long awaited time,

another night in mind.


i wish it wouldn't end so soon;

to stay together,

to know more,

to hear more,

to look more...

as Faye Wong would sing,

my heart would too...


I kind of liked it your way
How you shyly placed your eyes on me
Did you ever know
That I had mine on you?


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

everyday SOT moment.

why must it only happen when going SOT or during the course of SOT that blessings start to flow?

is that when faith is needed?

it should be 'going-SOT' moment everyday.

this is faith too.

Monday, January 11, 2010

common sentiments.

“ Sometimes, it’s easier to say that you’re fine instead of having to explain all the reasons why you’re not." - Yini Lee


never the same again.

good or bad?

every time i pick it up and play,

it's like standing at the summit of a mountain and scream,

sound that comes out of the mouth immediately diffused into thin air.

it's depressing,

it's frustrating,

it's agonizing.

because of my past?

because of what i've done?


what ever that's lost, can never be retrieved back?

will i ever play a good piece ever again?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

relax time-table

yeap! tomorrow would be the 1st day of my 2nd week in school and this time, the time-table set for RMIT students are less packed and more relax for us, as i mentioned in my previous entry, the first week's packed due to visiting lecturers from RMIT, Australia.

So, relaxed time-table = more time to chill and study and more time to do what i wanna do.

Hope i have fun and fruitful entries in the coming entries. Till then...

Friday, January 8, 2010


finally the week has ended for the weekends!

had a great first week in school though the lectures were packed all in a day; 8.30 to 11.30am lecture then 4 whole hours of break, 3.30 to 6.30pm lecture.

such timetable got almost all of my OG mates falling sick with flu-like symptoms; running nose, blocked nose, shivers (probably due to the coldness in the lecture hall)... probably also due to the holidays i used to sleeping late nights and waking up late in the morning, and now i have to change my body clock just to wake up for 8.30am lectures.

and mind you, i seriously hate the morning and after work crowd, peak hours are no joke for students traveling from Clementi interchange to SIM, it's not just a time management issue. Even if you're still early for lectures, crowds are no fun to mess around. just hate it.

nevertheless, i TGIF!

met the usual zombie-gags, Shane and David and so-they-wannabe-called-high class-aunties, June, Ada, Amanda and new to the 'tai tai's kakis', Sheryl (June and Amanda's JC friend). We had another 3 hours of zombie massacre at Meridian. And as always, the guys finished our campaign in under an hour, and bored and immuned to zombie, literally, we turned to Battlefield 2: special forces.

By the way, congratulations to the ladies, for their FIRST completions of a campaign in the times they played alone. Go girl power!!

Let me explain why the guys were bored and immuned.

after campaigning, we switched to survival mode, played a couple of rounds before we called it a quit as it was repetitive and getting monotonous. To a point that, in the past playing L4D2, we would scream, at the top of our voices, 'TANK! TANK!' or 'SMOKER, HUNTER, JOCKEY!' or 'WITCH! WITCH! BIT*H!' and started scrambling for our lives. But during the survival mode we would just go. 'Hey, tank's here...' and the others would due courtesy reply calmly, 'where?' or just '... ....'. At times, playing campaign, Shane would deliberately startled the Bit*h... i mean Witch or alert the hordes by triggering the Car alarm systems.

Pros? or not. We were that sick of zombie boredom. We need new hype. Much like the cool, fatherly, Ghost buster fan, cowboy dude in Zombie-land, who loved killing zombies.

epic Friday.

last of all, felt like i have missed service for months. looking forward with anticipation for service and fellowship tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

new rule on the road: never stay-overnight sleepless and drive.

did i mention after crashing at Dave's on New Year's day, on the way home, i almost met in an accident?

never stay up overnight without sleep and drive!

next moment, you'll be sleeping on white and fluffy bed in 'Heaven' Hotel!

thank God for journey mercy!

rule #X+1: triple sure it ain't 'expert' mode before friendly-slashing and firing.

less than 30 secs, going through 3 zombies, and you're pinned down to the ground dying...

got to the safe house, starting of next stage, a D-eagle shot to the knee and a slash of a Samurai sword, 30 points of health left...

that's how dorky we were to realize that we're playing Left 4 Dead 2 in EXPERT mode.

Shane, June, Ada and I decided to head to Orchard Meridian to continue 2nd round of L4D2, thanks to the love-for-zombie-addiction of June's and too-carefree-why-not attitude the 3 of us agreed to.

we had a blast! it was the best tag team, literally, ever!

and mind you, there was TEAMWORK! let me explain...

Shane and i found ourselves a machete each, and like Singapore's gangsters, Hong Kong's triads, African tribes, reenactment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy; we dashed, slashed and diced our way through hordes of zombies like there's no tomorrow, through each stages. We're so berserk in the heat of battle, the 2 ladies were left miles away(in game terms), only after the cooling down, did we then go back to reinforce them.


teamwork was involved - Shane and i tagged team, so did June and Ada.

the times June and Ada were so slow in choosing weapons, restocking ammunitions, ultra aunties deciding on 'cold storage' pipe-bomb or 'fairprice' Molotov was better, before moving on and out of the safe room, Shane and i, literally and hungry for battle, we turned onto the ladies and started slashing barbarically to hurry them.

and often Shane and i reached the safe house first, we childishly pranked on the ladies by opening and closing the door, confusing their entry. haha~!

historically hilarious!

random ending; i wanna learn Korean; a good, reasonable priced Korean language course!

new vision?

something Shane and i are looking to duet on.

practice, practice~

but with our own style of course. =)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

1st rant of da new year

what a way to start 2010, a new year with fiery furnace under my feet and burning up from my ass to the crown of my head!

it wasn't a peaceful ORD for me after all.

Encik has been calling me up regarding the stores which i've handed over to my understudy - deficits over several items which they have been stock-taking for next week's Logistics Readiness Inspection (LRI).

It's something that boils me to hear it that small little things are accumulating each week for the past 1 month or so. Not to mention, the threat that Encik is pressuring on me, faints my heart, causing faith to leak; wanting to bring this up to the police for like inappropriate what SAF property or what not sh*t! And exaggerated on charging me by filing a lawsuit on me.

honestly, it ain't feel good at all, less to say it's the 2nd day of a new year, you got a call that screwed the entire opening; much like i've been nuked right in the beginning of the movie and the main plot of the story lies behind after.

truthfully, i don't blame or am angry with Encik. In fact, i am thankful that he has been helping me over the course of my vocation the time he became my CSM. Besides, i think the pressure and workload of the Brigade weighing over his shoulders, would cause him to have such reactions.

true enough, there were paperwork which i did were unjustifiable and wrong in procedures, but i believe that would not constitute to such an atomic result. There has to be some statistical errors; which i've found out one to be instead of x+58 helmets, the 58 should already consist in x and not x+58!

fretted and crushed is my spirit and heart. but i'm not letting this be a defeat, not to mention a new year and a bright future i'm pursuing right now!

i'm believing God with that little faith i've left and with all my heart that this debt is already lifted away. i've always love the life principle of Pst Kong; that he never likes to hear- 'cannot be done', 'don't know' or 'impossible'. Things may be too difficult to handle but a problem always has a solution that comes with it. Even if not, there's never an 'impossible' for WITH GOD, ALL and ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!

will be burning my 3rd week of Jan to help out my understudy and settle the discrepancies.

O Lord, vindicate me once again from this crisis and let me live and leave in peace from SAF's bond and focus on the things which are of more importance.

*venting out in agony on the summit of the mountain exacerbatingly*

Friday, January 1, 2010

in the car

*chorus melody of 2NE1's In the Club*

where did you celebrate new year?
in the car!

we countdown to 2010;
in the car!

crossing the to new year;
in the car!

good food of the year;
in the car!


POE after KS Zone Appreciation Night at The Riverwalk, decided to crash at David's. It was about 11pm then. Shane, Ada, June and I rushed to get the supper and get back to David's by midnight(2010).

We headed to Whoampoa Hawker Centre to get, based on my Top Best Food list, the best Oyster Omelet (hokkien; Or Jian), Fried Dumplings (Chinese; Guo Tie), then to Market 85 at Bedok to get the best BBQ Chick Wings, and some other food POE individually ordered.

Unfortunately, we left less than 15 minutes to get the food ordered, return to the van and drive down to David's from Market 85!

Therefore, food-tastic 4 countdown-ed in the car(van)!


HAPPY 2010!!!