Friday, January 8, 2010


finally the week has ended for the weekends!

had a great first week in school though the lectures were packed all in a day; 8.30 to 11.30am lecture then 4 whole hours of break, 3.30 to 6.30pm lecture.

such timetable got almost all of my OG mates falling sick with flu-like symptoms; running nose, blocked nose, shivers (probably due to the coldness in the lecture hall)... probably also due to the holidays i used to sleeping late nights and waking up late in the morning, and now i have to change my body clock just to wake up for 8.30am lectures.

and mind you, i seriously hate the morning and after work crowd, peak hours are no joke for students traveling from Clementi interchange to SIM, it's not just a time management issue. Even if you're still early for lectures, crowds are no fun to mess around. just hate it.

nevertheless, i TGIF!

met the usual zombie-gags, Shane and David and so-they-wannabe-called-high class-aunties, June, Ada, Amanda and new to the 'tai tai's kakis', Sheryl (June and Amanda's JC friend). We had another 3 hours of zombie massacre at Meridian. And as always, the guys finished our campaign in under an hour, and bored and immuned to zombie, literally, we turned to Battlefield 2: special forces.

By the way, congratulations to the ladies, for their FIRST completions of a campaign in the times they played alone. Go girl power!!

Let me explain why the guys were bored and immuned.

after campaigning, we switched to survival mode, played a couple of rounds before we called it a quit as it was repetitive and getting monotonous. To a point that, in the past playing L4D2, we would scream, at the top of our voices, 'TANK! TANK!' or 'SMOKER, HUNTER, JOCKEY!' or 'WITCH! WITCH! BIT*H!' and started scrambling for our lives. But during the survival mode we would just go. 'Hey, tank's here...' and the others would due courtesy reply calmly, 'where?' or just '... ....'. At times, playing campaign, Shane would deliberately startled the Bit*h... i mean Witch or alert the hordes by triggering the Car alarm systems.

Pros? or not. We were that sick of zombie boredom. We need new hype. Much like the cool, fatherly, Ghost buster fan, cowboy dude in Zombie-land, who loved killing zombies.

epic Friday.

last of all, felt like i have missed service for months. looking forward with anticipation for service and fellowship tomorrow.


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