Tuesday, April 21, 2009

seconds to paroxysm

i hate myself to see my loved ones suffering and yet unable to do anything about it; helpless.

hope is the only thing i look to.

every time i see my grandpa, lying weak and motionlessly on the hospital bed, looking at me whenever i visit him; only breaks my heart even deeper. i really feel helpless. he hardly can speak nor move. contracted pueumonia. swollen hands. and i wish i heard wrongly and God-forbids, he's seeing the otherside but unable to walk through it?!


besides my frail grandpa, my parents are having a cold war with each other. my dad has the idea to file a divorce?! what on earth is going on?!!!!!

and then came another letter from Traffic Police for an offence i didn't even do, which costs me 120 bucks and 3 demerit points?!!!!!!!

what the f*** is going on?!!!!!!!

all i went was a week of out-field and all the shit is piling up my face?!!!!

is it not enough my work is screwed up and now i need to face a turbulent home and unjustful law?!

f*** this world!!!

f*** satan!!!


  1. Everything will be alright..! The unpleasant will be gone.. the good will remain... Focus on the positive as what you focus will be strengthened..! Add oil!
    You're more than a conqueror! ;)

  2. Sorry to hear about your grandpa. Will keep u and your family in prayers. It's not easy to go through all this, but dun give up ya? Take care bro.
