Saturday, April 25, 2009

grandpa Too.

day by day, weaker and weaker.
each moment i see those frowns on his frail skiny face;
my heart shatters.

as much as i could, a smile greets him 'it's ok'.
nothing can be closer than the truth;
the fact his health is deteriorating.

thank God for the best medical prescriptions; the best doctors,
but it's just a matter of time;
the doctor predicts.

not giving up hope;
standing by my grandma and family,
i for one will not fret.

'it's ok, grandpa!'
here's your eldest grandson,
cheering you on!

never will i want to sent you off,
not yet, never this time.
not till you see me tie the knot.

'hang on, grandpa!'
i ain't giving up hope;
so neither should you!

we're all here for you...

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