Sunday, February 28, 2010

suddenly i feel so





why such emtions?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

presence of God...

is simply and undeniably comforting.

in awe.

i wept.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

POE's ideal type challenge

the title speaks for itself, a replica of Korean's Ideal Type World Cup. Hosted by yours truly, JR. The challenge went round with Rena, Dave, YF and June Yong.

After fellowship at T3, Changi Airport. The 5 of us drove down to ECP's C.Nai Cafe for supper and more fellowship session.

We ate heartily and conversed. It was a heartfelt session.

Then an idea of a game came in mind; POE's version of Ideal Type World Cup

To briefly explain what this game is 'bout, it's simply choosing between 2 ideal female/male for male and female contestant respectively, and out for the 2 ideal persons, the best type will be singled out for the next match. Ultimately, the contestants will be left with the best two ideal type of persons and one of the ideal type person will be the victor of the two.

So it went round from Rena to the host, himself eventually.

The ideal type persons are chosen in POE and some outside of POE, random questions such as Pst Kong or Pst Tan, for instance. (mainly to females). 

A time of laughters and unpredictable outcome of results. Nevertheless, the results will be kept amongst the five of us.

Whether or not the ideal type person who came in victorious to the contestant is truly the ideal type he/she is seeking, let's not read too much into it.

However, this is one game you may try on your close friends to find out their true ideal type person and dig out that fishy feeling y'all have long felt for that contestant!

Till then, this is POE's Ideal Type Challenge!

JR. peace out!

relationship with God.

you can accomplish anything.

as long as you're obedient and faithful to God.

He will fulfill all your needs.

i should be nervous for the Accounting test this afternoon, but somehow, i just have the peace of God and faith that i'll pull through it.

Indeed, with the wisdom of God, it has exceeded what i thought and imagined to be.

I did it with ease and finished up each and every question.

I know for sure i'll pass, but i'm still hoping that it'll be a High Destination for that paper.

Praise the Lord!

Monday, February 15, 2010

happy meow year!


my phone on the first morning of Tiger year, recovered fully after a night charge! all the keys on the keypad started to function well, no flashing of LEDs an no other side effects! NOKIA E51 has proven to be Tsunami survival and free-fall proof!


came back from all visitations to my relatives with lotza red packets! this year has been indeed a wonder虎 and fruit虎, 虎 year!

got closer to my paternal cousin, who picked up Kpop too. Great fun with Maternal 4th Uncle's Hong Bao Draw contest, with a grand price of $128 whom little cousin Joel won, and 6th Uncle's Wheel of Hong Bao contest, ranging from $4 to grand price of $38, which yours truly blessed to have span the wheel and won the grand price! The joke was, there's a blank file in the wheel, which who ever span the wheel and got it is to draw out any 2 of the contestant's existing Hong baos and hand it to 6th Uncle as a forfeit. Interesting business CNY marketing skill eh? ahha!

i thank God for a great start of this CNY and i'm looking forward for more with my Lord!

till then... HUAT CHAI AH!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

dying line.

as the title would imply, my Nokia E51 is dying on me.

thanks to my butter-fingers, slipped outta my hand, and sank into a pail, filled with water. just picture in the world of electricity on planet circuit board, a Tsunami had just disastrously flood the entire world; talk about Noah's Arch or Titanic.

thank God, it's still functioning pretty ok. Just a couple of frustrating flaws. Initially the keypad was malfunction, had to 'resuscitate', and thought i lost it totally as it dead on me. Minutes after switching on and off of the phone, the keypad revived miraculously, but like a short-circuited robot - flashing LEDs and the originally assigned key functions went hay wired; what supposed to be '0', it turned out to be key to clock, or supposed to be '9', turned left, and epic last, supposed to be 'end call' turned out to be 'call' button. haha!

finally, it got more stabilized and was back to normal, just a couple of malfunctioning access of buttons again.

this time, i have had it.

as Nokia E51 has auto-key lock function by default, my '*' button function is dead, hence my phone is ever stuck in key-lock!!!!

i can do nothing with this phone now!!!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

going back rock.

what a message from Paul Scanlon!

i so wanna him back to share more. 

miss these times of word. what a season indeed.

right before he shared the word, he introduced a clip of what his church is doing and that song that covered with the vid was so 'english' rock. and i'm lovin' it!

kinda brings me back to what i used to enjoy, indulging my ears to;

have you guessed who they are? if you're answering Switchfoot, you're right!

although they are an American band, from San Diego, their music has always been uplifting, enjoyable and doesn't make ya shake-ya-head-too-much alternative rock.

so it got me intrigued to head down to Attributes to get a copy of their latest album;

Hello Hurricane

and man o man.. they just keep getting better and better each album man!

the moment i played it in my car, not just it brings back the old rock juice in me, i'm lovin' it already! simply sensational!

trust me, this album ain't like any before since 'Star' in Nothing is Sound album.

this album is loaded with full force of mother nature, so welcome - Hello Hurricane!

Friday, February 5, 2010

what could have been.

why must it be when on one's special day will then receive gifts or appreciations?

why must it be when one is going through hardship will then receive pitiful attention?

why must it be when one achieved great heights will then receive praise and adoration?


why must it be when one is gone from this world that the people around started to understand the meaning of 'cherish'?

easier said than done.

but of course.

either ways.

let this be food for thought.


do you feel you're unappreciated for the things you've done?

do you feel you're taken granted for?

do you feel what ever that you're or have been doing may be futile?

all for a good cause?

wanting to get a return from it all?

or simply,

the right thing to do?

well, there's always a thousand and one reasons to such questions.

yet none is ever right nor wrong.

one thing for sure though.

it's ever wrong in the eyes of others though it may be right in any ways you may see it.

that is such a life. so.

suck it up.