Thursday, January 28, 2010

slipped opportunity!

why why why?!

don't you always think you're witty?!

don't you always have such ego?!

why then you asked such questions?!

utter stupidity!

you could have dropped the movie halfway,
politely excused yourself,
quietly made your way out,
and request for a meet up!

you could have used that short period of paused time,
to be sensitive,
to think hard,
to plan deep,
to have understood,
that it was a door of opportunity!

foolish me!

wake up if you haven't noticed and are still in your dreamland!

from now on,
do the best of favors,
at least for the love of God and yourself;

think, double think, triple think,
before speaking or acting out.

you'll never know the next word that comes out,
would be the cement shut for that door of opportunity.

wise up that wittiness of yours, O fool!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


finished class at 1130.
head straight down to office.

finally done well given task;
data entry of Pastor Kong's past Itinery back-dated 2005 to 2009, all into one excel spreadsheet.
straight whole 5 hours coupled with toilet breaks.

praise God.


i guess i've earn my rest tonight. =)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

focus hard on task at hand.

i'm glad i went to work today.

just gets you off the thing you focus so hard to get it outta your head.

still friendly to talk to...=)

service was great.
presence of God was strong and tangible.

had KFC, been a while.
fellowship at the arcade,
crazy japan game with the young ones.

yet the whole time,
was still troubled at heart.

wasn't at my best,
wasn't focusing.

i know i wanna step out and try,
to speak out my heart.

somehow i feel, this could be another foul play of the evil one,
one that would end up breaking both parties. 

i need guidance,
i need a new clue.

won't You show me?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

old songs: evergreen

fresh vision, fresh purpose

longing for one,
since that day You called me again.

yet time after time,
i've disappointed You.

losing control,
losing You.

battles of self,
overwhelming & weary.

a war,
never seems to end.

a desolated land,
permeated with smells of death.

the cries for loved ones,
crush frail hearts.

a tatterdemalion covered with blood,
open wounds with worn out sword.

at his brink of last breath,
on bended knees.

facing the stormy dark skies,
yet searching for a blink of light.

last deep breath,
a wail in agony.


whiteout sight,
blackout mind.

at the beat of the heart,
time slows down.


is it over?
a brand new world?

new vision?
new beginning?

is that You?


my Lord.

greatest battle in the history of humanity


final fastasy: sound of the wind

a long awaited time,

another night in mind.


i wish it wouldn't end so soon;

to stay together,

to know more,

to hear more,

to look more...

as Faye Wong would sing,

my heart would too...


I kind of liked it your way
How you shyly placed your eyes on me
Did you ever know
That I had mine on you?


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

everyday SOT moment.

why must it only happen when going SOT or during the course of SOT that blessings start to flow?

is that when faith is needed?

it should be 'going-SOT' moment everyday.

this is faith too.

Monday, January 11, 2010

common sentiments.

“ Sometimes, it’s easier to say that you’re fine instead of having to explain all the reasons why you’re not." - Yini Lee


never the same again.

good or bad?

every time i pick it up and play,

it's like standing at the summit of a mountain and scream,

sound that comes out of the mouth immediately diffused into thin air.

it's depressing,

it's frustrating,

it's agonizing.

because of my past?

because of what i've done?


what ever that's lost, can never be retrieved back?

will i ever play a good piece ever again?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

relax time-table

yeap! tomorrow would be the 1st day of my 2nd week in school and this time, the time-table set for RMIT students are less packed and more relax for us, as i mentioned in my previous entry, the first week's packed due to visiting lecturers from RMIT, Australia.

So, relaxed time-table = more time to chill and study and more time to do what i wanna do.

Hope i have fun and fruitful entries in the coming entries. Till then...

Friday, January 8, 2010


finally the week has ended for the weekends!

had a great first week in school though the lectures were packed all in a day; 8.30 to 11.30am lecture then 4 whole hours of break, 3.30 to 6.30pm lecture.

such timetable got almost all of my OG mates falling sick with flu-like symptoms; running nose, blocked nose, shivers (probably due to the coldness in the lecture hall)... probably also due to the holidays i used to sleeping late nights and waking up late in the morning, and now i have to change my body clock just to wake up for 8.30am lectures.

and mind you, i seriously hate the morning and after work crowd, peak hours are no joke for students traveling from Clementi interchange to SIM, it's not just a time management issue. Even if you're still early for lectures, crowds are no fun to mess around. just hate it.

nevertheless, i TGIF!

met the usual zombie-gags, Shane and David and so-they-wannabe-called-high class-aunties, June, Ada, Amanda and new to the 'tai tai's kakis', Sheryl (June and Amanda's JC friend). We had another 3 hours of zombie massacre at Meridian. And as always, the guys finished our campaign in under an hour, and bored and immuned to zombie, literally, we turned to Battlefield 2: special forces.

By the way, congratulations to the ladies, for their FIRST completions of a campaign in the times they played alone. Go girl power!!

Let me explain why the guys were bored and immuned.

after campaigning, we switched to survival mode, played a couple of rounds before we called it a quit as it was repetitive and getting monotonous. To a point that, in the past playing L4D2, we would scream, at the top of our voices, 'TANK! TANK!' or 'SMOKER, HUNTER, JOCKEY!' or 'WITCH! WITCH! BIT*H!' and started scrambling for our lives. But during the survival mode we would just go. 'Hey, tank's here...' and the others would due courtesy reply calmly, 'where?' or just '... ....'. At times, playing campaign, Shane would deliberately startled the Bit*h... i mean Witch or alert the hordes by triggering the Car alarm systems.

Pros? or not. We were that sick of zombie boredom. We need new hype. Much like the cool, fatherly, Ghost buster fan, cowboy dude in Zombie-land, who loved killing zombies.

epic Friday.

last of all, felt like i have missed service for months. looking forward with anticipation for service and fellowship tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

new rule on the road: never stay-overnight sleepless and drive.

did i mention after crashing at Dave's on New Year's day, on the way home, i almost met in an accident?

never stay up overnight without sleep and drive!

next moment, you'll be sleeping on white and fluffy bed in 'Heaven' Hotel!

thank God for journey mercy!

rule #X+1: triple sure it ain't 'expert' mode before friendly-slashing and firing.

less than 30 secs, going through 3 zombies, and you're pinned down to the ground dying...

got to the safe house, starting of next stage, a D-eagle shot to the knee and a slash of a Samurai sword, 30 points of health left...

that's how dorky we were to realize that we're playing Left 4 Dead 2 in EXPERT mode.

Shane, June, Ada and I decided to head to Orchard Meridian to continue 2nd round of L4D2, thanks to the love-for-zombie-addiction of June's and too-carefree-why-not attitude the 3 of us agreed to.

we had a blast! it was the best tag team, literally, ever!

and mind you, there was TEAMWORK! let me explain...

Shane and i found ourselves a machete each, and like Singapore's gangsters, Hong Kong's triads, African tribes, reenactment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy; we dashed, slashed and diced our way through hordes of zombies like there's no tomorrow, through each stages. We're so berserk in the heat of battle, the 2 ladies were left miles away(in game terms), only after the cooling down, did we then go back to reinforce them.


teamwork was involved - Shane and i tagged team, so did June and Ada.

the times June and Ada were so slow in choosing weapons, restocking ammunitions, ultra aunties deciding on 'cold storage' pipe-bomb or 'fairprice' Molotov was better, before moving on and out of the safe room, Shane and i, literally and hungry for battle, we turned onto the ladies and started slashing barbarically to hurry them.

and often Shane and i reached the safe house first, we childishly pranked on the ladies by opening and closing the door, confusing their entry. haha~!

historically hilarious!

random ending; i wanna learn Korean; a good, reasonable priced Korean language course!

new vision?

something Shane and i are looking to duet on.

practice, practice~

but with our own style of course. =)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

1st rant of da new year

what a way to start 2010, a new year with fiery furnace under my feet and burning up from my ass to the crown of my head!

it wasn't a peaceful ORD for me after all.

Encik has been calling me up regarding the stores which i've handed over to my understudy - deficits over several items which they have been stock-taking for next week's Logistics Readiness Inspection (LRI).

It's something that boils me to hear it that small little things are accumulating each week for the past 1 month or so. Not to mention, the threat that Encik is pressuring on me, faints my heart, causing faith to leak; wanting to bring this up to the police for like inappropriate what SAF property or what not sh*t! And exaggerated on charging me by filing a lawsuit on me.

honestly, it ain't feel good at all, less to say it's the 2nd day of a new year, you got a call that screwed the entire opening; much like i've been nuked right in the beginning of the movie and the main plot of the story lies behind after.

truthfully, i don't blame or am angry with Encik. In fact, i am thankful that he has been helping me over the course of my vocation the time he became my CSM. Besides, i think the pressure and workload of the Brigade weighing over his shoulders, would cause him to have such reactions.

true enough, there were paperwork which i did were unjustifiable and wrong in procedures, but i believe that would not constitute to such an atomic result. There has to be some statistical errors; which i've found out one to be instead of x+58 helmets, the 58 should already consist in x and not x+58!

fretted and crushed is my spirit and heart. but i'm not letting this be a defeat, not to mention a new year and a bright future i'm pursuing right now!

i'm believing God with that little faith i've left and with all my heart that this debt is already lifted away. i've always love the life principle of Pst Kong; that he never likes to hear- 'cannot be done', 'don't know' or 'impossible'. Things may be too difficult to handle but a problem always has a solution that comes with it. Even if not, there's never an 'impossible' for WITH GOD, ALL and ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!

will be burning my 3rd week of Jan to help out my understudy and settle the discrepancies.

O Lord, vindicate me once again from this crisis and let me live and leave in peace from SAF's bond and focus on the things which are of more importance.

*venting out in agony on the summit of the mountain exacerbatingly*

Friday, January 1, 2010

in the car

*chorus melody of 2NE1's In the Club*

where did you celebrate new year?
in the car!

we countdown to 2010;
in the car!

crossing the to new year;
in the car!

good food of the year;
in the car!


POE after KS Zone Appreciation Night at The Riverwalk, decided to crash at David's. It was about 11pm then. Shane, Ada, June and I rushed to get the supper and get back to David's by midnight(2010).

We headed to Whoampoa Hawker Centre to get, based on my Top Best Food list, the best Oyster Omelet (hokkien; Or Jian), Fried Dumplings (Chinese; Guo Tie), then to Market 85 at Bedok to get the best BBQ Chick Wings, and some other food POE individually ordered.

Unfortunately, we left less than 15 minutes to get the food ordered, return to the van and drive down to David's from Market 85!

Therefore, food-tastic 4 countdown-ed in the car(van)!


HAPPY 2010!!!