Sunday, September 27, 2009

98% decided.

yeap. finally i've made up my decision. in fact, i have made contingency plans to it too.

after today's visit to SIM Open house, i've fully clarified my inquiries to the course of my pursue for degree certification - i'll apply into RMIT University.

why then my title, you ask?

the leftover 2% is due to the fact that my GCE 'O' Level English grade was D7, and the minimum requirement for entry is at least a pass(C6). However, it's still up to the Academic Council to decide if they would like to offer me that opportunity to study in that course.

pray hard that i may be offered.

Alternatively, if not successful, i'll apply for UOL this coming January, 2010 then. Again, the minimum requirements still stand for application in UOL. BUT! If offered, they would to advise me to take an external recognized english certification program first to eligible me to enroll; i would buy me a good 1 or 2 months before UOL intake starts in next August.

Moreover, i can work full-time while waiting to enlist to UOL too.

God is good.

Nevertheless, i do pray that RMIT would still accept me based on my other 'O' Level subjects and my diploma, though of different course.

Wait on. =)

Praise God!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


just wanna find a good seaside view where i can scream at the top of my voice.

apart from feeling uneasy and awkward inside, yesterday's ATP Shoot for my second year of NS ended terribly regretful and disappointed.

out of 34 bullet rounds, i left just a shot to earn my marksmanship WITH monetary reward of $200 of 29 rounds. so i praised God for His grace to keep me in alertness in the day shoot which cost me to lose 3 shots only. But, after which in the night shoot, i can afford to lose 4 shots in total of 12 rounds. Unfortunately, one hand due to the LED light not tightly secured, cause my rifle to lose it's zero-ing point, the other was that i rushed triggering the rounds when i had more than enough seconds to shoot down the target.

ONE SHOT! just ONE MORE SHOT! wasted my time to seek Medical Officer for certification to rundown so as to earn $200 if i obtain marksmanship. Not only did i not earn that monetary reward, i didn't even earn my marksmanship badge!!!!

ARRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! *scream infinity*

on another subject. just tonight after cell group, i felt uneasy; wasn't my usual self. probably i am tired, still i was too quiet and my mind kept rattling with thoughts. don't tell me Nash's syndrome is back.

screw all da!

tomorrow's SIM open house. just wanna concentrate on my decision to which course and University i wanna do my degree education awarded under.

TGIF. not. TGIW (Thank God It's Weekend). YES!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Ex Wallaby; Ex ORD!

wahahhahahahah!!! Wootz wootz!!! Praise GOd!!!!

it has been confirmed.

i'm not in the list.

i need not go through the hassle to bleach clean my belongings for inspection.

i'm going to handover smoothly and ORD without complications.

i'd have to go overseas Ex Wallaby, no more!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

95% applying, 5% course-recking.

ahhh!! course is the only hinder left to my application to getting my degree education man.

and just after today's service. arise and build is around the corner this end of the year again. needless to say, i need to find a job to pay my pledges for building fund.

that kinda rack that already battered mind; studying full-time, work part-time in between non-schooling days. Then again, since i've yet to decide which course i would like to take, i may consider one of the courses that which starts only in next July, which would give me a good 7-8 months of full-time paid job and experience.

vexing indeed. need God's leading, man.

welcome to adulthood. lol.

heart amplified.

with God.

everything's alright.

who are You, Lord?