Sunday, March 22, 2009

conflicts at work

a colleague of mine once brought up an issue concerning me during a confrontation with him;

he mentioned that he had a hard time working with me because i put a silent, long face when pressured by work.

truth to be told, those were times when a task is given from the top to make things done in the given timing. i was FOCUSING on that task and getting it done.

a few questions i would like to post to that colleague of mine;

1) Do you know me that well to judge me?

2) Have i shouted or yelled at you to get things done?

3) Given if the person you're working with is Officer-in-Command (OC) Sir, and he has that same reaction, would you confront him with that tone of yours too?

i beg to differ.

great to hear that you can see through people or what not. but use that talent of yours on someone else. cause i doubt you've seen through me.

friends are friends; yet there is still a line drawn in between. know where you stand.

and please. for the love of God.

i ain't your chauffeur, i am not obliged to drive you anywhere, don't throw me that tone of yours to say you will chip-in money for my car petrol; and stretched that 2 bucks out at my face!

i ain't no taxi-driver either.

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