Friday, December 18, 2009

back to society

it's been exactly 2 weeks since i ORD and turned from NSF to NSman. and i must say it is sensational!


haha! honestly, i do miss the days i had fun with my camp buddies, especially my bunk mates. going out together, non-stop killing hordes of zombies(Left4Dead 1 and 2). still, being a civilian, and having my PINK IC back is swwwweeeetttT~!

and the best thing is that through this 2 years, i couldn't have been who i am right now if it wasn't God who has been there for me all along.

best still, once after i ORD, a call came in from a great leader i used to serve under, Faith Goh. She asked if i was looking for a part-time job since i am outta NS, and offered me a part-time job back in Attributes Pte Ltd. WOW right?! I mean, yeah i wanna find a job after army, a reasonable Part-time pay for at least a good 1 month or so before my UNI studies start in Jan, and this came in like just days after?! What a coincident, GOD-incident!

I thought for awhile though. I had Barrister at Starbucks planning in mind weeks before my ORD, kinda interested in making good coffee for customers, plus its branding power, makes ya proud to work in it. Btw, i was a Barrister years ago working for Gloria Jeans. =)

Nevertheless, i thought that since it's something from God, i wanna honor that in gratitude and probably it was for the best. I mean i worked for Attributes before, and gotta know many of the Staff, it would be easier for me to work around things; such as my school schedules, family, church, chilling out with friends and what not.

And so, i accepted that offer and had my first 2 days - yesterday and today of work. Helped out in the logistics as a mover and stock-taker. Ironically, how very much i miss camp life with my buddies, i did the same vocation these past 2 days, just that instead of CQMS(Supply Supervisor), i am a storeman or a nicer way to put it according to SAF - Supply Assistant. LOL~!

Tiring after so long of sluggish slackness but fruitful!

Looking forward to my coming future job scopes.

Thank you, Lord!

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