Sunday, June 7, 2009


i've came to learnt that my paternal cousin or whom i call her ah girl, Kamelia is a school bowler. 'eat potatoe' (hokkien; westernized) and primary 6, she is representing her school in bowling competitions and has made quite a number of achievements and brought home trophies.

why 'eat potatoe'? She's a 'Saint-Margaret'. And that makes me a 'Saint-Morgan', corny of me to tease her with.

Apart from that, she's young, beautiful, smart and full of potential. Thanks to my 'Ku-ku' (Aunt) Kathryn, who has always been there and supporting her in the background.

Just last Sunday, after a family-relative lunch buffet at United Square, i joined ah girl for her bowling practice at EHub! Downtown East. Upon arrival and ready to start the ball rolling, ah girl and her parents found out that her bowling gears weren't there. Where then? It was left at Yishun SAFRA, the last time ah girl had her practice there. Funny thing was that Uncle left it by Aunt's Grandis, thinking that Aunt would load the gears up before leaving the place. Which of course, she didn't. Oh well, we started the game without ah girl.

I must say, the bowling alley is awesome though, i sucked that day. Losing my 'form'.
Fortunately, Uncle found ah girl's gears at the Yishun SAFRA's customer counter Lost & Found. That would miraculously saved my Aunt almost another $500 to get new ones for ah girl.

And so her gears arrived, unpacked her bowling balls - hook and straight (which i just learnt), amazing indeed, pasted and lubricated her fingers to prevent piles from growing, did a couple of warm-up exercises, blew her fingers over the cooling fan, grabbed her hook ball, positioned herself, and there she went. A beautiful and smooth curve, CRASH! My cousins, MF, and I had our jaws dropped in awe as we watched ah girl struck her first STRIKE gracefully and effortlessly!

Indeed a professional, humble and subtle, she got back behind the line focusing on her next attempt while waiting for her bowl to wheel back. Again she picked up her hook ball, and gracefully walked down the lane and rolled her ball and yet again a flawless finish...

the whole time as i watched her practise, she inspired me with her passion in wanting to get her technics and skills right, always aiming for perfection and excellence. That inspiration got me fired up to want to learn new stuff too. I thought of Archery and Air-Rifle.

Having said all, my point is just that, it's a good thing to start something great when you're young like ah girl, who btw, after her PSLE, pursuing in her secondary education, Aunt has ideas of enrolling her into Singapore Sports school to maximize her potential in bowling.

It's also never too late for anyone to pick up new things to do, learn or continue to seek what one's passion is in.

ain't life a bliss... =)

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