Sunday, February 22, 2009


last second, last breath.

one night, new day.

silent death. cold breeze.

cuts through the redish flesh that leads to the dry bones.

endless thoughts, futile rest.

breach of the gates, piercing heart.

white and black.

spiral and ripples.

limitless control of emotions.

blackouts after blackouts.



Friday, February 20, 2009 : 7.56mm shot down.

Was quite excited to play along with the surprise the guys and i had plot out for Valentine's day. That we (man) would be assigned to a lady in our cg, after drawing lots, and give at least a simple gesture of our manly love with a stalk of roses. But of course, each man were given the full freedom to add on to the list, if they wished to.

However, news of me being called up for ration collection for my Specialist Commanders on Sunday, as they'll be shooting GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun) with live rounds in their Bronco Driving Course.

Initially, it was a call to stand by, and i wished i'll be called off. But i was wrong.

Long story short, instead of soaking in the bitter juice, i decided to accept it in a more positive way. Indeed, it was an experience one would hardly had the chance, besides my company who were at the live-firing ground; an armour unit with our own Singapore's Bionix were there too, to live free-off.

I regretted not bringing my ear-plugs. lol.

Well, back to the point, I missed my, which probably if there were more than enough roses to be given to each lady in my cg, i would have given mine to a girl in church. lol.

It's about time i stood out from the safety zone and risk to venture out.

Afterall, i celebrated my 'Bromantically' with the boys(spec commanders). 

Gay. i know. blame it on the training program to have set the live-firing on a considering beautiful Sunday, which turned into a pretty good deafening experience.

Then again, it's alot better than just spending playing dota at home. lol. (sorry QM sir)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

creativity chase back.

has been inspired by many things of the creativity lately.

that over time, turned into a harsh repel.

punching me with a rattling question in my mind and soul;

where is my creativity? when was the last time i create?

time flies, one too many changes.

but that shouldn't be my reproach.

i want to fight out my resolve.

find back my true me.

chasing back once lost.

creativity reborn.